Child Protection
How can we help?
Parents and their children have the right to remain together.
However, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) can petition the court for permission to intervene with a family if they believe that a child or children are not getting the care and/or supervision that they need. This intervention can sometimes result in children being temporarily or permanently removed from their parents’ care. If DCF starts an investigation regarding your family, you must contact an attorney immediately to protect your rights and the rights of your family.
An attorney from the Law Office of Jason C. Goddard can consult with you if DCF is already involved with your family or if you are concerned that they may become involved. We can attend meetings with you, be present at home visits, and continue to consult with you during the pendency of your case. We do not limit our representation to the courtroom because we understand that these types of cases often rely on what happens in your home and in the DCF office. Contact us as soon as possible to set up an appointment to speak with an attorney.
If you have any questions about child protection matters, please call our office at (860) 904-2291.

Practice Areas
Criminal Defense

Post Conviction

Child Protection